Fullstack Software Engineer: Command Cheat Sheet
A list of frequently used commands to manage OpenSSL, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, Git, Helm, and .NET
CSR: Generate a CSR used to issue a certificate
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private-key-file.key -out csr-file.csr
Self-Signed Cert: Generate a cert along with a new private key
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key-file.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate-file.pem
Cert: Review existing certificate information
openssl x509 -text -noout -in certificate-file.pem
PEM: See content in plain text
openssl x509 -in pem-file.pem -text
PKCS#12 (P12) Bundle: Combine your key and certificate in a P12bundle — an alternative to pfx
openssl pkcs12 -inkey key-file.pem -in certificate-file.pem -export -out certificate-file.p12
P12: Review existing P12 information
openssl pkcs12 -in p12-bundle-file.p12 -noout -info
PFX: Generate PFX
openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate-file.pfx -inkey privateKey-file.key -in certificate-file.crt -certfile more.crt
PFX: Extract private key
openssl pkcs12 -in PFX-file.pfx -nocerts -out key-file.pem
PEM: Generate PEM file from a PFX file
openssl pkcs12 -in pfx-file.pfx -out cert-file.pem -nodes
PEM: Convert PEM file to CRT
openssl x509 -outform der -in pem-file.pem -out cert-file.crt
PEM: Export certificate from a PFX with no key
openssl pkcs12 -in file-name.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out cert.pem
Key: Decrypt an encrypted private key file
openssl rsa -in encrypted-private-key.key -out unencrypted-private-key.key
Key: Removing the password from the private key
openssl rsa -in pem-file.pem -out private-key-with-no-pass-file.key
Thumbprint: Get thumbprint of a SHA-256 cert
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -inform pem -in cert-file.pem
Thumbprint: Get thumbprint of a SHA-1 cert
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1 -inform pem -in cert-file.pem
Thumbprint: Get thumbprint of a MD5 cert
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -md5 -inform pem -in cert-file.pem
Image: Build a new image with a tag
docker build -t hello-docker .
Image: Lists all the images on this machine
docker image ls
Image: Remove redundant images
docker image prune
Container: Remove redundant containers
docker container prune
Image: Tag an existing image
docker image tag <image-id>:<image-tag> <new-image-id>:<new-image-tag>
Image: Saves the image as tar file on disk
docker image save -o <filename like image.tar> <image-name>:<image-tag>
Container: Lists all the running containers on this machine
docker ps
Container: Run a container in interactive mode
docker run -it image-name
Container: Tail the logs
docker logs <container-id> -f
Container: tail the last two lines of logs
docker logs -n 2 -t <container-id>
Network: Lists all the networks
docker network ls
Volumes: Create a new one
docker volume create <volume-name>
Volumes: Inspect a volume
docker volume inspect <volume-name>
Container: Run a container with a volume attached
docker run -d -p 4000:4000 -v <volume-name>:/app/data <image-name></image-name>
Command: Execute a command and run the bash window in interactive mode with root user
docker exec -it 146 -u root bash
Command: execute a command and run the bash window in interactive mode and login as Mahdi
docker exec -it -u Mahdi 146 bash
Docker-Compose: Build with no cache
docker-compose build --no-cache
Docker-Compose: Run an already built compose file
docker-compose up
Docker-Compose: Stop an already running compose application
docker-compose down
Docker-Compose: List of running docker-compose applications
docker-compose ps
Docker-Compose: Logs of all running applications
docker-compose logs
Cluster: install a new one
minikube install
Cluster: Start an installed cluster
minikube start
Cluster: Stop a running cluster
minikube stop
Cluster: Get the status of a running cluster
minikube status
Ingress: Enable Ingress
minikube addons enable ingress
Service: assigns a load balancer service an IP address
minikube service <service-name>
Charts: Run a deployment
helm upgrade --install ecosystem-location-api-release <location-of-the-charts> --values <path-to-values-files-in-the-desired-environment> --set image.tag='v1.0.0' --set global.env.ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Production' --set-string timestamp=a_random_values
Secret: Create a new secret
kubectl create secret tls technologyleads-sample-cert --key unencrypted-key-file.key --cert cert-file.crt
Config: Applies the configuration yaml file to the cluster
kubectl apply -f <config-file-name.yaml>
Cluster: Get information
kubectl cluster-info
Security: Current logged in user
Commands: a list of past commands
Packages: list of all the packages in the database available to the os, some of installed, some of them not.
apt list
Package: Install a package on OS
apt install app-name
Package: Update the list of available packages to be run before install command
apt update
Package: Uninstall a package from OS
apt remove app-name
Directory: Print Working Directory
Directory: Goes to the home directory of current user
cd ~
Directory: Create one
Directory: Remove one or folder
rm -r
Direct/File: Rename or move files and folders
mv test docker: renames the text folder to docker
File: Create one
touch filename
File: Remove one or more files
rm filename
File: View the content of a file
cat filename
File: View the content of larger files
more filename
File: View the content of larger files with scroll up/down
less fiiename
File: View the first five lines
head 5 file.txt
File: View the last five lines
tail 5 file.txt
Redirection: Copies the content of one file to the other
cat file.txt > file2.txtecho hello > hello.txt
Grep: looks for hello in file.txt in a case-insenstive manner
grep -i hello file.txt
Grep: looks for hello in file.txt in a case-insenstive manner
grep -i hello file.txt
Grep: looks for hello in all files with names begin with file
grep -i hello file*
Grep: looks for hellp in the passwd file
grep hellp /etc/passwrd
Grep: looks for hello in all files and directories in etc
grep -i -r hello /etc/
Search: Find all files and directories in the current directory recursively
Search: Find all files and directories in the current directory recursively starting with /etc
find /etc
Search: show all directories in the current directory
find -type d
Search: show all files in the current directory
find -type f
Search: all the files whose names start with f
find -type f -name 'f*'
Search: all the files (case insentivive) whose names start with f
find -type f -iname 'f*'
List: a list of all files in bin, scrolling up and down
ls /bin | less
List: the top 5 files in the bin
ls /bin | head -n 5
List: prints all environment variables
Environment Variable: Print environment variable PATH
printenv PATH
Environment Variable: Environment Variable: Print environment variable PATH
echo $PATH
Variable: Define a variable in the current session
export DB_USER=test
Variable: Show the variable
echo $DB_USER
Bashrc: Append the current user local settings with a permanent variable
echo DB_USER=5 >> .bashrc
Bashrc: Reload bashrc for the current terminal
source .bashrc
Process: List of all current running processes
Process: Sleep the current prompt for three seconds
sleep 3
Process: Kills the process with a process id
kill PID
Users: Add a new user with home directory
useradd -m Jack
Users: the new script that uses useradd behind the scene, and is more interactive
Users: Creates a system user named app, and add it to the group app
adduser -S -G app app
Users: list of all users
cat /etc/passwrd
Users: modified the shell used by this user to bash
usermod -s /bin/bash Mahdi
EF Migration: Add a new migration after making code-first model changes
dotnet-ef migrations --startup-project ..\Api\Start-up-project.csproj add migration-name --verbose
EF Migration: Run migrations and apply them to the database
dotnet-ef database --startup-project ..\Api\Start-up-project.csproj update --verbose
EF Migration: Roll back database to a specific migration
dotnet-ef database --startup-project ..\Api\Start-up-project.csproj update migration-name --verbose
Local Host Cert: Generate a certificate for HomeApi localhost endpoint
dotnet dev-certs https -ep C:\Users\mahdi\.aspnet\https\HomeApi.pfx -p LOCAL-CERTIFICATE-PASSWORD --trust
User Secret: Add a local user secret to a.NET project
dotnet user-secrets set 'Movies:ServiceApiKey' '12345' --project 'C:\apps\WebApp1\src\WebApp1
Groups: Add a new group
Groups: Remove a grou
Groups: Lists the groups for this user
groups <username>
Groups: lists of the groups for this user
groups <username>
Groups: lists all the groups
cat /etc/group
Groups: adds Mahdi to developers group
usermod -G developers Mahdi
Groups: lists of the groups of this user
groups Mahdi
Permissions: change the permission for the user, add the execute permission
chmod u+x filename/pattern
Permissions: change the permission for the user, removes the execute permission
chmod u-x filename/pattern
Permissions: change the permission for the group owning the file, and add read permission
chmod g+r filename/pattern
Permissions: change the permission for others, and remove write permission
chmod o-w filename/pattern
Permissions: change the permission for others, and remove write permission, add read and execute permissions
chmod ogu-w+r+x filename/pattern
Sql Server
Login: to a SQL instance
sqlcmd -s SQL5080.site4now.net -U user-id -P password
Deploy: Disable run from a package
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group resource-group-name --name app-or-api-name --settings WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE='0'
Deploy: Enable App/API access app certificates
az webapp config appsettings set -n app-name -g resource-group-name --settings WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES=*
Deploy: Enable App/API load user profile
az webapp config appsettings set -n app-name -g resource-group-name --settings WEBSITE_LOAD_USER_PROFILE=1
Deploy: Set an app setting
az webapp config appsettings set -n app-name -g resource-group-name --settings ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Production'
Commit: Take back the last commit, but keep the changes
git reset --soft HEAD~1
LFS: Enable LFS Tracking for an extension (like zip)
git lfs track *.zip
LFS: Clean up Git commit history from large files
java -jar 'path-to-bfg-jar-file\bfg-1.14.0.jar' --convert-to-git-lfs '*.{zip,onnx,tsv,csv}' --no-blob-protection .
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