Route versioning in Asp.NET API

Mahdi Karimipour
3 min readJun 24, 2021



If you are developing internal or customer facing APIs, versioning as an API capability should be at the top of your list. As your APIs evolve, and you introduce more and more features, you will most probably get into a position where your current API specification needs to change in a way that it will have breaking changes compared to existing contracts.

By the way, this topic belongs to the series to set up an Asp.NET API for production use.

  1. API Route Versioning
  2. Configuration Management
  3. Secret Management
  4. Monitoring
  5. Database
  6. Documentation
  7. CORS
  8. Request Validation
  9. Global Exception Handling
  10. Deploy .Net API to Azure App Service


In those situations you typically have two choices,

  • Break existing contracts and as a result your current consumers.
  • Introduce new routes which will keep your existing consumers happy momentarily, but it may not be a scalable solution
  • Version your API, and have the same routes with new versions

As you probably won’t want to break your existing consumers, and the second option is straightforward as well, in this post we will cover API versioning.


To clarify what versioning means, lets assume we have the below route in our API which returns a list of comments:

After applying versioning the route should look like:

which will enable you to have breaking changes as part of your v2 version.


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The first step in applying versioning is to enable in your Web API Startup file,

Call this method in your Web API configuration method,

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

And here are the extension methods we used in the above code blocks, UseGeneralRoutePrefix,

That’s it, you now have configured versioning for your API, and can keep introducing new changes in your endpoint by bumping the version and keeping the same route name. Once you were comfortable with the new versions, ideally you should decommission the older versions and migrate all your customers to the latest version, unless you decide to have multiple versions running side-by-side.

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